BlueHost Coupon: 63% Discount

Bluehost-Coupon-Codes-and-DiscountsWe strongly recommend Bluehost. There are several reasons to select number one. Bluehost server is 99.99% uptime and this metric is tested deeply. Besides Bluehost is officially recommended by WordPress. Over 2 million websites have been hosted in Bluehost.

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Special Features of Bluehost

✅ Reliable 99.99% Uptime
✅ Super Fast Server
✅ User friendly
✅ Free Domain and SSL Certificate
✅ 1-Click WordPress Install
✅ Cost-Effective
✅ Fast and Competent Support
✅ 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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How to setup hosting: A detailed guideline

Now you need to buy web hosting for your blog. We’ll explain about the detailed setup for Bluehost hosting.

bluehost hosting plan

At first, got the Bluehost website. Under the hosing menu, you will find 3 types of hosting like shared hosting, VPS, and dedicated. In the beginning, start with shared hosting. It’s cost-effective and enough to start a blog.

Now click on the “Learn More” button in Shared Hosting to get started. Then you will see a new page where several plans set up based on different features.

Bluehost domain registration step 2

Start with a basic plan of shared hosting. After a certain period of time, when you will get more traffic, you can change plans easily. Click on Select button.

After that you will be redirected another page. If you have existing domain, click on right side box “Next” button. (See below image)

bluehost hosting signup part 3

Now you’ve reached the final stage of hosting registration. After adding your domain name, click on “Next” but (above image). Then you have to add your account and package information.

Bluehost domain registration step 4

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